Thursday, December 29, 2011

Tale of a Grasshopper

Over the summer we got into making "Green Smoothies." Which are basically smoothies with spinach added for extra vitamins. The kids love them and they are quite nutritious. One day I pulled out my half used bag of spinach and, to my surprise, found what I thought was a dead cricket in the spinach. Yuck! I didn't think too much of it except that it was really gross and threw the remains of the cricket and the spinach away. But, the next morning, I found this in an empty garbage can right next to my full one:Yes, it was actually a grasshopper. And it was alive. And after thawing out in the trash overnight, it had climbed out and into the other trash can.

I felt that this grasshopper had been through enough, so I set it free in the backyard. It perked up and walked away.

And then I called Kroger and complained that there was a live grasshopper in my spinach. The woman I talked to said she had never heard a story like this and couldn't help but laugh the entire time she was taking my account of "the incident." I was reimbursed $5.

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