Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thankful Thursday

1. Happy and healthy kids!! - Yay!!!!!!!!
(my kids have squinty eyes like their mommy)

2. Kid Cuisine - It costs way less than a Happy Meal but is just as much fun.

3. Google Reader - Thanks for introducing me to it, Koreena, it sure makes blog life easier!

4. Getting out of the house - You don't realize how much you take it for granted until you're stuck in the house for a week and a half.

5. Excedrin - I probably say this all the time, but I couldn't live without it, really.

6. A forgiving husband - I have been really tired and cranky lately and Adam loves me anyway and just tries to help.

7. Baby gates - I have gotten quite creative with my 3 baby gates and have found ways to use them to keep the house cooler, take a shower when both the kids are up, and do what they are meant to do: keep the kids safe.

8. Care Bears - Every little girl needs at least one. They're so cute and lovable!

9. Disposable diapers - Who isn't?

10. We are finally going on our vacation next week - Or at least I hope we are.

1 comment:

The Paredes Family said...

Lisa, thanks so much for your Thankful Thursdays. I look forward to reading them every week.