Monday, July 13, 2009

Five Years Old!!

My little boy is 5!
Ian's birthday was yesterday, the 12th. He got to pick every meal for the day and we had Jill's family over for dinner and cake and presents. Ian picked roll-up pancakes for breakfast, a Kid Cuisine for lunch, and chicken pillows for dinner. We were all happy about the dinner choice (except it was a pain to make). He is so excited to be 5, and so am I!
Ian and his roll-up pancake
Ian and his "Star Wars" cake.
Ian got a Hot Wheels track, it was a big hit!

And of course, Ian's very favorite gift: a Wii game! Thanks Grandma K!


Koreena said...

It's amazing how fast 5 years have gone and how much has changed!

Happy belated birthday to Ian!

Abby said...

Happy birthday Ian! we will have to stop by with little something!

Joy Carlton said...

Happy Birthday to Ian! I can't believe that he is five already. I can remember seeing your mom at Walmart picking up diapers soon after he was born. It looks like he had a great birthday!