Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Monster Cookies

I have been trying to do something fun with Ian each day. Yesterday we went to the "butterfly park" and today we made "monster cookies." Ian got to pick any cookie he wanted out of my Monster Cookie book and we went to the store and got the ingredients and made cookies. He had a blast loading up his cookies with M&M's and marshmallows. Each cookie was only done when it had a mountain of toppings. We'll have to do something less messy tomorrow....

I wanted to get a picture of Ian making the cookies, but every time I took the picture he snitched a bite of candy.

Ian and the finished product, and the picture he picked out of the book.

Ian's favorite cookie.

Can you tell which ones Ian did?

Mmmmmm, yummy!!

1 comment:

Koreena said...

How fun! They look very delicious!