Friday, May 7, 2010

Taualii Visit

I couldn't decide on just a few pictures from my friends' visit, so I just put them all on here. It doesn't help that these are all from Koreena's camera, and she is a photographer. It's like taking a professional on vacation with you! So, thanks Koreena, for all the great pictures. And for the great time we had!
More pics of the boys.

We went to the Children's Museum on a Friday morning. We were quite the crowd with our 6 children.
This is the baby area (the only place I let the twins out of the stroller). Brandon likes to do laps around the little enclosed circle. Jackson likes to explore and taste everything. The little girl is Jossy, Koreena's daughter. She is SO cute!
Hailey trying to blow a bubble.
Me and my bubble.
This water table is always a favorite. You can put in walls to divert the water into little rivers. The kids are always soaked afterward, but it's so much fun!
Brandon patiently snacked on his sock while the kids played.
Jackson, awwww.
This is new. The little circles light up and the kids jump on them as they change color. This is Hailey's favorite, it's quite difficult to pull her away from it.

Brandon's getting a little bored....
Ian's other favorite. The green screen. He and Matty played soccer for quite a while.

Everybody jump in!
That afternoon we went down to the Strip. The Strip on a Friday afternoon, you say? With 6 kids 5 and under? Bring it on!!
As I said before, M&M World was a big disappointment. As cute as all the M&M merchandise was, most of it was breakable. I think I grew a few gray hairs in that place trying to keep Hailey under control. We went in to see the 3-D movie, hoping it would salvage the trip, but alas, they told us the movie had broken and couldn't be shown. After we were all settled in our seats with our 3-D glasses. Are you kidding me?!? Nonetheless, the kids loved picking their own colors of M&M's, and as much as we thought it wasn't worth the walk down there from the Bellagio, they had fun. And that's what matters. Right?

I just love this picture of Hailey. I don't know why.
And of course, the Fountains at the Bellagio. The kids loved it. Even the twins were fascinated with what they could peak at through the guard rail.
I love these pictures of Ian and Matty. They really were so cute together the whole time.
I couldn't control Hailey, she is such a handful. And since Adam wasn't with us, Dan (Koreena's husband) helped. He is such a good sport!
Me and Koreena. You can kind of tell how exhausted I am after such a long day!
We had such a blast, it really was a wonderful visit. I hope they want to come again sometime!

1 comment:

Koreena said...

OF COURSE we want to come visit again!! We would be down there right now if it wasn't for the long drive! :) We had so much fun, and looking through these pictures again is making me miss our time there so much! I loved how well the boys got along. Thanks for braving the stip with us on a Friday afternoon. :)