Monday, August 24, 2009

We've been up to...

some stuff. Lately we have just been trying to get into some sort of routine and get Hailey sleeping better at night. She seems to want to beat Ian up at bedtime for some reason. We started putting her to before him so that she would be asleep by the time he gets in there, it is a work in progress. She must have her mother's genes because it takes her a really long time to fall asleep. So Ian usually ends up on our bed until we go to bed and move him. The whole thing is kind of silly but we really want them to share a room so they can have a playroom! She also wakes up way too early! Oh well, who needs sleep anyway?
The twins turned 6 months old! I can't believe how time flies with babies. Brandon is starting to want to be on the floor a lot. He loves to lay on his stomach with his head (and arms and legs) up and he just squeals away. So cute! He had his first rice cereal the other day and is already a pro! That boy is going to be a big one! Jackson has learned that he likes his mommy a lot and whenever I walk by he whines until I go over and talk to him. He hasn't shown much interest in being on the floor until the other day at my sister Jill's house he was rolling all over the place! He doesn't do so well with the rice cereal because he thinks it is so funny that he laughs so much he can't keep the food in his mouth! That kid cracks me up! They are both such happy babies, I am so thankful to have them in our family.

Brandon's first experience with solid food.
Jackson is a happy baby!

Ian still plays the Wii a lot (way too much) and Hailey is always busy making messes. Recently she dumped water all over a few floors in the house, globbed hair gel onto her belly, tried to eat a DVD, escaped and ran 4 houses down the sidewalk before I finally caught her, painted herself with sidewalk chalk paint, and has removed her diaper on many various occasions and in many various places. Life is always exciting with this one!

Ian as some sort of clown...
Hailey is quite creative!

1 comment:

Koreena said...

That last picture of Hailey is awesome! Sounds like life is busy! The boys are growing so fast. Ian is nice not to beat his sister back when she's hitting him. Matty isn't always so nice. What is it with these girls beating their older brothers? I never did that! (Course, he would've beat me back. Maybe that IS the secret. lol)