Friday, August 15, 2008

Thankful Friday

I have been so bad about doing Thankful Thursday lately. Gee I wonder why. Well I was determined to do it this week but then I was kind of in and out of sleep all day on the couch yesterday and forgot yet again. So I am doing it today.

1. Zofran - This is my new best friend. It is a medication for nausea and works pretty well in the mornings. By the afternoon I am back to non-functional, but I can get some stuff done in the mornings thanks to drugs and we sometimes even get out of the house.
2. Good health insurance - I can't imagine having a "high-risk" pregnancy with crappy insurance.
3. My sister Jill - Jill lets me come up to her house every once in a while and eat her food and lay on her couch while my kids are entertained by her kids. And sometimes she comes and cleans up the mess at my house. She saved me when I was pregnant with Hailey and is already saving me again, what would I do without you Jill?
4. Hailey has been sleeping in till 9am! - Thank you Hailey!
5. Twins - It really is a blessing and although I am sicker than ever and want to live in the hospital under a coma for the next 6 months I know I will survive and it will all be worth it.
6. I am signing Ian up for preschool tomorrow! - Yippee!!!
7. The Olympics - Adam and I have had a lot of fun watching Michael Phelps win a million gold medals the last few nights. Man that guy's amazing! It is hard not to stay up all night watching the games so we try to record it and go to bed. It's really cool, if you think about it, that all the nations of the world can come together in peace once every couple years and have some healthy competition (to some extent).

1 comment:

Llama Wanderings said...

I am currently just coming off Zofran, it has been my love for the past few months. I wasn't even keeping water down for awhile there! Glad to hear it worked for you too.